Saturday, January 27, 2007

Travel Guidebook Game

The object of the game is to travel to foreign lands and try to recreate the cover photo of your guidebook. You must not have the book in front of you, but instead, try to recreate the cover photo from memory. Here are two of my recent attempts:


Friday, January 19, 2007

Under the Leaky Roof, With a Broken Furnace, and a New CPU

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Hey everybody...I'm Back.
Its good to be home, but home seems to be conspiring against me.
My roof (or possibly outer wall of addition) has leaked, causing water damage to my kitchen ceiling. My furnace needs to be primed every 4-6 hours or the heat goes out. The motherboard on my computer died while I was away, so I had to get a new computer (albeit it was time to replace the old door-stopper anyway), and Kira's car needs a new ball-joint and some rear breaks. All these fun things are going to end up costing more than my vacation.
On the bright side, I was re-united with my dog (who has put on weight) and I am more tanned than most.
So once I get my computer all customized, and my house back in order, and the car fixed...I will do some serious blogging.

Oh, and dear sister...apparently I look like just about any guy in a hat or who has facial hair, regardless of creed, colour or athletic prowess.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sandinista Days are Here Again: Fear and Loathing in Managua - Impressions of Nicaragua in the Early Days of 2007

Some points to ponder about Nicaragua:

1 They speak spanish here...english is not so very helpful.
2 Its hot...damm hot...particularly at night.
3 When people say Managua is a dangerous city...they mean it (can you actually believe that someone tried to mug little old me???).
4 Street names and adresses do not exist in this country. (example- the place you are looking for is 2 blocks towards the lake, then 500m in the direction the sun sets).
5 Daniel Ortega is again president, but the red and black Sandinista flag was replaced this election with the phrase ¨Daniel¨on bright pink billboards with a little heart aroind the party name...the revolution is clearly over.
6 Rice and beans can get repetitive if eaten in too many consecutive meals (once a day is enough).
7 It is entirely possible too put over 130 full grown adults on a school bus (small children and chickens ride free).
8 People livinging in tiny rundown shacks can have magnificent gardens (and satilite TV).
9 Nothing is open on sudays or holidays (except this internet place).
10 German men still wear speedos at the beach.

I´ll be home soon...more stories and photos to come.