Some points to ponder about Nicaragua:
1 They speak spanish here...english is not so very helpful.
2 Its hot...damm hot...particularly at night.
3 When people say Managua is a dangerous city...they mean it (can you actually believe that someone tried to mug little old me???).
4 Street names and adresses do not exist in this country. (example- the place you are looking for is 2 blocks towards the lake, then 500m in the direction the sun sets).
5 Daniel Ortega is again president, but the red and black Sandinista flag was replaced this election with the phrase ¨Daniel¨on bright pink billboards with a little heart aroind the party name...the revolution is clearly over.
6 Rice and beans can get repetitive if eaten in too many consecutive meals (once a day is enough).
7 It is entirely possible too put over 130 full grown adults on a school bus (small children and chickens ride free).
8 People livinging in tiny rundown shacks can have magnificent gardens (and satilite TV).
9 Nothing is open on sudays or holidays (except this internet place).
10 German men still wear speedos at the beach.
I´ll be home soon...more stories and photos to come.