Comming to a Tim Hortons Near You

This is an insight into what I find humorous….seriously the sight of a plastic bombshell (Barbie strapped with explosives) makes me howl…every time. She’s dating Al Quiada Ken and wants to fit in with Osama and the boys. Or maybe she thinks throwing pies in Stephan Harpers faces isn’t going far enough. (editors note: technically "faces was a typo, but on reflection I think it was my subconcious expressing how we all he a caring man, or is he SATAN?)
Seriously though…did anyone really think that terrorists were attacking
By the way, I stole this image from some other guys website. I give him no credit. My views on intellectual property copyrights are [pretty clear cut. I only listen to illegally downloaded music, I burn every movie I rent (usually before I watch it), and I’m pretty sure ( and would testify to this in court) that the central premise behind the De Vinci Code was first laid out by me in a small Sunday school gathering in 1986 (hence my excommunication from the United Church of Canada).
Okay, that last bit was a lie…I was excommunicated for other reasons.
I'm so glad Barbie is evolving with the times...that girl has everything...even, apparently, ammunition.
As for your excommunication from the Church, I think it may have been something to do with all the heathens and atheists running amok in the higher levels of the Youth Club.
Suddenly I feel completely vindicated.
And as your ex-Sunday School President..."I can't remember why".
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