Antique Hunter Roadshow Psycho-Killer

Sundays are all about hunting, whether it’s fluffy tailed deer, Iraqi insurgents, or antiques. Sometimes you don't even realize that you're hunting until your prey seizes you in the corner of a musty antique shoppe.
Usually I'm out hunting toasters, but sometimes you need something to display your toasters on. Sometimes it's close enough to your girlfriends birthday to justify random $350 purchases ...sometimes it's just Sunday.
Maybe it was the time change that put my usually thrifty mood aside...maybe I was just bored. Anyway this is what I ended up with today. It's Art Deco Canadianana, and although it has been repainted, it follows the original colour scheme, although the new yellow is a little creamier (you can still see the old colour inside). It goes well in the kitchen (the picture makes it look to big for the wall, but that is just the lack of a wide angle on my camera). Goes good with the green, and looks nice with a toaster of the same vintage aboard.
Things from the thirties always appeal to my...I don't no why, but depression era architecture, furniture, and appliances hold a special appeal. It's like the lack of optimism about life got transferred into design.
The cabinet is now full of casserole dishes and the cupboards now store all of Kira's cookbooks. It didn't sit vacant for long; the things I buy never do. I'm like a kid on Christmas; have to play with your toys immediately. Sundays need a project, and the drywall mud in the upstairs bathroom needs time to dry before sanding, and as always, it's too wet in the yard to do any serious digging. So why not re-arrange your kitchen...probably needs it anyway.
It's got a few flaws, the right hand cupboard door has a serious sticking problem that I can't seem to fix, and there’s a few paint chips missing here and there, but when a man offers you a discount for cash, who's going to be picky.
That piece of furniture really suits your house...I especially like the colour.
Do you ever go antique-hunting in cumberland? I've seen some pretty amazing chairs and er, other things for sale.
"Depression Era antiques"????
Adman, is that YOU in that adult skin? Gosh, it wasn't so long ago that you were 9!
(Suddenly I feel very old(ish))
Come on Tai, surely you rewmember me at such advanced ages of 15 or so.
...ooooh.... i am covetous....
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