Larry Flint Would Love My Dog

Sooner or later you Blog about your dog.
But this is not a cutesy piece about my dog bringing me my slippers on cold mornings. I have no slippers, and my dog would certainly never anticipate my need for such things.
Rather, this is a bit of a deconstruction of the contemporary social views about pornography by a brief study of habits expressed in the canine kingdom.
If the above picture depicted a human female in a similar position, it would be regarded as degrading and exploitative. However when the girl in question has four legs and a shiny coat of fur, the mood changes. To what. I'm not sure, but my dog knows no shame and modesty is not in her vocabulary. This is best observed by the loud crotch licking at family dinner gatherings. Stern words of correction are met with puzzled expressions, lacking guilt or understanding. Human female solo crotch licking is generally limitted to contortionist fetish websites, so no meaningfull comparision can be made, save to say that this sort of display would be frowned upon in most parks and in the living rooms of most friends. Which brings us to the crotch snifing / nuzzeling of complete strangers. This could be a method for a human female to attract potential mates, but one should employ a certain amount of cautious reservation when rubbing ones head against the crotch of another at first meeting as the response to said activity could backfire. We will not even delve into the social greeting system of sniffing the bums of others.
Actually, I lied earlier. This is just a way to sneak a cutesy picture of my dog into my Blog. It also highlights most of my learning from the three years of sociology I took before I dropped out of university.
Heh, so that's what you got out of all those sociology classes. I knew I was missing something during my liberal arts years.
Unlike many girls in today's society, Sasha appears comfortable with her body and willing to express her vulnerability.
Or...she could just be enjoying lying on the comfy floor.
She's a gorgeous creature!
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