Ugly as Sin

As spring begins, a lot of gardeners bring attention to the beautiful things that you can find in your yard. My beautiful things are few and far between yet, so I would like to share with you what is without a doubt the ugliest feature of my garden (regardless of the season).
This is my greenhouse. I built it myself about three years ago, right after I moved in. It is a testament to the raw desire to construct, a head of both reason and planning. When I built this I had no practical experience building anything, and I simply framed together the walls using uncut/unmodified in any way, nominally 8 foot long 2x4's. This gives me an approximate cube of 8x8x8...the I needed a roof...I had not thought about this in the early stages of construction, as I thought the creative process would just work itself through and that the design of the roof would by that point be obvious. Not the case. The roof is a sloping cap, also built with 2x4's, which I had to lift onto the eight foot structure. The front of the roof is 3 feet high, for a total height of 11 feet. It is a practical, yet imposing structure,. I of course immediately swathed the whole bottom of the structure in plastic before putting the roof on, resulting in the near immediate replacement of all the plastic. I also quite mistakenly used a thin vapour barrier plastic, instead of durable greenhouse poly, which has lead to the replacement of all plastic components with sturdier stuff. There is some annual maintenance involved.
The floor is gravel, but of course, I put down no landscape fabric or plastic before laying down the gravel, so the floor, at the height of summer any way, is mostly comprised of very tall buttercups and assorted grasses and even horsetails. This years project is to fix the floor.
Ugly though it may be, It fills the need I always felt to have a greenhouse. I grow a lot of chilies in this thing, and it makes my life better.
One day, when I have thousands of dollars to blow, I will replace it with a stylish cedar post and plexiglass conservatory type of thing, but for now, or until it collapses (we are talking about untreated 2x4's in the coastal wet fog belt), this is the view from my deck. It's almost pretty if you squint.
I have a distinct lack of greenhouses of any sort on my property, so you're one better than me there, no matter what its aethetic failings might be.
I wouldn't mind somewhere to grow basil...I go through a lot of basil..
greenhouses are excellent for basil
Ugliness has it's charms, and your greenhouse certainly has plenty of character..... :)
And it certainly has its usefulness. Sometimes practicality is its own beauty; although the impractical has a beauty, too.
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