Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beating the Heat

Yesterday, we found a way to beat the heat, and have a cool lunch break.
Notably, this was the only lunch break in my 10 day shift, so we thought we'd make it memorable.
So up onto this glacial snowfield we flew. Normally, I'm a pretty nervous flier, and this flight was no exception, but the views were worth the racing pulse and visions of imminent doom. There was something distinctly surreal about flying so low over so many big mountains and glaciers, all the while with a Led Zeppelin soundtrack playing in the headphones...sort of movie like actually.
This particular spot is Mt Benedict, located somewhere on the mainland coast, between Knights Inlet and Port McNeil. Somewhere in the distance, you can see Mt. Waddington.
Even at 1800m, it was hot (a balmy 29 degrees) but a snowball fight proved refreshing.
Unfortunately, we only had about 20 minutes, and then it was back to hot clear cuts and unrelenting sun.
This was definitely a highlight of my last shift. Other highlights included staying at a floating kayaking resort on Gilford Island (a converted float church), and hiking 500 metres up from a boat into heli blocks.
More adventures are promised in the near future as I embark on a 12 day boat tour of the Central Coast (call it a working vacation).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great!Just what I wanted to hear
helicopter flights,glaciers etc.
On the other hand, how often do you get the chance unless your paying through the nose.Sounds like your days are full of "fun".
Enjoy! Love,Mom

2:13 p.m.  
Blogger Spider Girl said...

Okay, brother, I am seriously envious....

That looks beautiful.

4:30 p.m.  

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